We’ve created a quick quiz to help you see how much you know.  Click below to start the quiz

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After answering each question – the correct answer will be highlighted in green. And in the results page, you’ll find a link to full explanations of the answers for your reference

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Just how ready are you to take the Enrolled Agent exam? 
We've put together a fun little tax quiz to test your knowledge.

Complete the form below to see results
What's IN THE EA EXAM? How Difficult is the EA EXAM?


“I hope this email finds you well. Today I passed the last exam from the three series, and I want to thank you for the knowledge you passed on to me.

I hope you remember every day all the good you do and how it replicates through your course. I will probably not remember a lot of specific information, such as a form number or a particular IRS penalty amount, and I am okay with that because I can always look that up.

However, I will never forget one of the stories you told:
“Take care of your clients. I have taken clients for up to three and not charging them until they get on their feet” that’s what my family would call “tzedakah.”

Tax preparation is not your primary teaching. Kindness is. Thank you for acting kosher and passing on that good energy and education, which I think will create a ripple effect of kindness among your students and their clients and so on.

Victor Gersten


Note: We reserve the right to add or change instructors as needed to accommodate schedules and subjects.